
  • The Art of Layering Necklaces

    Make a statement, tell a story, and express your individual style with layered necklaces. Whether you want a casual everyday look or something more elegant, here are some tips to achieve your look.
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  • What you need to know about appraisals

    What you need to know about appraisals What is the difference between a gemologist and certified insurance appraiser?   Gemologist A gemologist is responsible for analyzing, and describing the characteristics and qualities of gemstones. Diamonds, sapphires, and...
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  • Popular Trends in Engagement Rings

    What’s New and Different in Engagement Rings? Did you know: that the Egyptians were the first to signify a romantic relationship by wrapping a piece of metal wire around the third finger of the woman’s left hand? In the 1600’s, people exchanged posie rings — silver or...
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  • Tips When Resetting Your Diamond

    Resetting your Diamond Have you been gifted a piece of jewelry that’s just not your style? Do you own a family heirloom (grandma’s old engagement ring) that’s a little too vintage for your liking? Or maybe simply resetting your diamond will give it a little more...
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  • 5 Tips When Buying your Wedding Bands

    Tip #1 Always wear your engagement ring when selecting your wedding band so that you know how the rings fit together, and how they touch each other to ensure that your wedding band and engagement ring fit properly. Tip #2  Keep your lifestyle or job in mind. There...
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